Recently I was hired to do a ghost busting in an apartment complex. During the last six years there had been two stunningly strange residents there. The manager shared only this information with me. I’ll walk thru it as I experienced it.
When I am scheduled to do a cleansing of a unit I do some preliminary work first. During the previous few days I had sensed, felt and worked with the energies there inside AND outside the unit. Like aromas, energy doesn’t just stop at the door or wall but permeates a larger area. The extent of that area depends on the strength of that energy, just like aromas. Think of bread baking and you’ll see what I mean.
The unit was on the top floor of a two story building. The manager was aware of energy or she would never have contacted me. I told her she could be there while I worked if she wished. It turned out she was very sensitive and aware. Such a person is a big help in these situations. One more energy to assist and support and strengthen a focus to cleanse.
You know the old adage, “where two or more are gathered together…”;it certainly compounds our potency.
Immediately upon walking in the doorway I was aware of a formidable presence, like an armoured warrior, tall, hulking, arms crossed, feet spread apart, defensive, but not really threatening, just stalwart. I was surprised by the immediacy of the connection. Usually leftover spirits are in the building somewhere but rarely ‘greet’ you at the front door! So I asked silent permission to enter the apartment. This was simply a request. I am a strong personality and so it was not a meek request. The spirit stepped back and I entered.
In the work I had done prior to this appointment I was told by inner guidance to bring several tools. So I brought things that represented Earth, Air, Fire and Water. These are the four elements that create balance and grounding. Each one can become a doorway for a lost spirit to exit the premises. I had brought sage and cedar to burn. These things are ancient ways that in their burning reflect the shift of energies into smoke (transformation) and that smoke is offered as prayer and cleansing and a way out for the spirit. It is a very Native American way to use. I had also brought sea salt to be used in a glass bowl. Salt is of the earth; so is glass. Its dissolution in water is another form of transformation… another doorway out. Salt water also acts as a magnet for energies. After clearing the bigger energies, it would collect the ‘breadcrumbs’ that might be left over.. residual echoes.
I immediately surveyed the tiny apartment and saw there were four or five spirits in there: the guy at the door, one in the Living Room up on the wall; one in the bedroom cowering back in the corner and one in the bathroom. The kitchen was clear. Ultimately it turned out there were only four, because the guy in the bedroom was frantically running back and forth to the bathroom. It is unusual to have so many, no wonder they’d called me. It must have been very difficult to live near all that. To relate, think: noisy neighbors, activity at odd hours all night and weird, chaotic behavior.
I placed the salt in the glass bowl and filled it with water from the kitchen there (water and earth combined). Then I put that bowl at the front door, between the legs of that big guy I’d first met. The intent was sort of like the genie returning to the bottle… sucked in, so to speak. He was gone by the time I left without doing anything more. I actually feel he was a guardian for those other spirits, giving them a space to exist and simultaneously, unfortunately, keeping them there. When they were gone, so was his job. Poof, genie back in his bottle, or salt bowl!
Then I lit two small candles I’d brought and placed them per inner guidance; one in the Living room on the baseboard heater and one likewise in the only bedroom. (fire, air and earth combined). My conscious mind wondered why on the heaters? It would be revealed in its own good time. My job is to trust my guidance and stay focused on connecting and healing. It doesn’t matter that a physical person isn’t there; the energy is in need of healing; so that is my task. I was placing the candles to anchor the healing energies.
Then I lit the small cedar bough in a shell ‘ashtray’. I used a feather to waft the resultant smoke all over the apartment. Occasionally I’ll chant and felt a need to do so here. I used a Native chant and later a Sanskrit chant. Two very different energies were there and required different applications. The voluminous smoke affected the spirit in the bedroom mostly. Cowering in the corner he was yelling “Burn! Burn! Burn!” I asked the manager why he’d be saying that; had he started fires? “Yes”, she replied once in this apartment and once in another one there. Ah, that’s why the candle on the heater… all about heat and fire. In a strange way, it seemed reasonable, sort of like an underscore of hot, and anger and fire. He was very afraid, but not of me. I sensed he’d been cowering in that bedroom many times. He was very mentally ill. He darted into the bathroom. I followed and he ran back and forth, bedroom, bath. I kept wafting the feather and cedar smoke cleansing in that corner. I talked with him, like you would a child, soothing, loving, caring; telling him he could let go now, he could leave, he needed to leave. More smoke, more talk, more chant, more focus.
Then I lit the sage and using the feather wafted it everywhere too. In closets, cupboards, all over. I used the Sanskrit chant now. He was softening. In the bathroom I sensed the toilet as a huge problem. I asked the manager what was the story about the toilet, did the guy have terrible diarrhea or what, that there was a big focus on the toilet. She replied that he kept shoving things down it and they’d have the plumbers there regularly. Fetish perhaps or metaphorically, trying to get rid of aspects of himself.
To do this work, you need to realize that much of what you’ll experience is a metaphor for the spirits’ perceptions of reality. So I can interpret much like I would a dream. Look up toilet in a good dream book and you’ll see what I mean.
The cleansing of the bathroom, a focus on healing, the chanting and the two kinds of smoke seemed to be enough that he faded away and was gone.
The manager informed me the former resident was diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic. Ah, no wonder. His chaotic energies caused the whirlwind of dysfunction that still remained energetically here. Each of us leaves an energy trail… happiness, joy, anger, chaos or love in varying degrees based on intent and focus. This unhappy and ill man was severely focused and intentful and left his negative energy big time.
Next the entity on the Living Room wall appeared to be feminine. She was an adult but with the mind of a child, maybe 4 yrs old. I took the salt water in the bowl and dipping my fingers in it flicked water droplets up into the air, not on her. All the while I was talking with her. The water, which I had blessed, appeared to her as multicolored soap bubbles. I was connected with her and seeing from her point of view as well as mine. She was fascinated by the bubbles and relaxed enough to tell me her story. Now this isn’t in complete sentences, but in images. She whimpered “Pain! Pain!” She’d been gang raped and a knife had been used. She was wounded indeed on many levels. But she remained fixed on the ‘bubbles’ which I continued to flick with the water. I relayed this to the manager who asked “Would any of this be influenced by me, because I was gang raped and they held a knife to my throat.” Oh my, I thought. This was not her as the entity on the wall, but was an energy drawn in to this place by the chaotic forces at work. Because the manager had that personal experience she would be much more empathic to another’s. So a door was left open to magnetize such. Knowing this now, the manager can close that door to any future matching entity.
All the while the manager was wonderful. She was holding the space just simply being present and focused. She wasn’t in fear. She held the space of love and allowance. She was wonderful.
I had brought my favorite Nag Champa incense; lovely Tibetan stuff. I never felt the need to use it, but asked the manager if she needed it. She said it was her favorite and she’d just run out of it. Perfect.
So the woman on the wall was now gone, soothed as a child, and told to go to the light where they would love her and she would be safe.
The burn, baby, burn guy was gone from the bedroom, directed to the light and no longer needing to cower and fear. He was the entity in the bathroom too; so there’d only been three in the apartment.
The big guardian at the door was gone as there was no longer a need to keep the entities in the apartment.
I did a little prayer of thanksgiving and closing, removed the candles, and all my paraphernalia and we left.
Driving home I felt severely nauseous, like I’d need to pull over and throw up. Instead, I imagined that same, but huge lovely soap bubble. I move all the entities’ negativity that remained within and around me to the edges of that beautiful multicolored bubble and then burst it. POOF! All gone.
Later the manager emailed me saying she felt terribly nauseous and had severe diarrhea. I told her this not unusual and how to use that soapbubble to poof it away. She did and it was gone.
So now you know what it’s like doing a cleanse, commonly referred to as a Ghostbusting. It’s not spooky. Just open yourself and create a loving space for communicating. Turn them towards the light and give a little loving nudge. They are lost. Show them the way home. Mostly just speaking to and nurturing, loving and suggesting are your tools. Don’t forget to cleanse yourself after the connection. Very simply, command it “I am cleansed”. And so you are.