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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Boundary Dispute

(After many years using a common gravel road access to their home, a neighbor has blocked it off.) In an email the client writes:
“Well we have NO rights.
They called the police, said I gave her the bird....I didn't, but basically we are in the wrong....we have NO rights.
The policeman was very nice, but had a copy of our NO rights...Basically our road stops at the house just before us.
Called title company, talk about B.S and no help.....basically we have no rights......and we can't pick and choose the way we want to get to our home. We talked with the manager; same story and so on and so on and so on.
I have diarrhea so bad, this is not going away....wish we had never bought this place.
I am so crying, and there’s no way out.....head hurts heart aches and I'm just plain beaten....We are talking to people on phone, but no one is saying we have rights.
The guy that told me I can't pick and choose a way to our home, also said the REALTOR should have had all this info...It just goes on and on and on...
I'm crying again, and I'm going to close....this is awful...just awful...”

In one way or another we have all experienced this kind gut wrenching fear. My reply seemed universally applicable so I include it here for you.

It's horrible feeling beaten.

The biggest thing to do now is to NOT do anything. It is very hard to give up the feeling of being victimized.

I know you want to do this all logically, and there truly are more avenues, but I recommend letting them go right now.

You are dealing with an irrational person.

Your goal here is to keep the standard access. Keep that in mind. Focus on seeing good access restored to normal. Focus. Visualize. Focus. The more you give free rein to negative thinking the more it increases. I know this is hard but you will get through it.

Every possible resolution already exists in your energetic field. Pick the one you truly want to have and give it all your energy, focus and visualization. Bring it out into the light and play with it, feeling, seeing, smelling and visualizing it. Breathe life into it. Make it as real as you can.

There is always a ‘way out’ of every situation. It may not be the one you thought of or wished for; it might even be better. The only way we can ever be disappointed is when we hold on to needing our own outcome. Surrender, let go, give it up to a higher power to create the best solution and then align with knowing in some way it really is the best.

August will prove to be one of the most challenging months... and you will live through it. Resistance will create more resistance, as you have seen with the lie about flipping the bird... just one more on top of his irrational behavior. Use the back way for now. It works for now. That is all you need to focus on. Stay focused on this now... this very minute. You are safe. You do have an alternative way to reach your home. You are all right NOW.

You are not alone. Right now there are boundary and border disputes going on all over; neighbor to neighbor, country to country. Your personal situation is a reflection of the irrationality of conflict, no matter how big or small the scale. Do not make this a war. It WILL be resolved but probably not until after the unsettling energies of this August.

Continue to do Ho’oponopono, pray and find anything to be loving about: your beautiful yard, you pets, your relationship, and your health... find anything to appreciate... it is the first law of shifting your perspective. Allow yourself: body, mind and spirit to breathe and you will find you have shifted just a tiny bit. Continue to pray, do Ho’oponopono and find things to appreciate. You will shift just a little bit more. Make that your focus: small steps. It will pay great dividends.

I have used these methods in dire circumstances. It's hard for you to just jump in here and believe it, but I know you believe in prayer and its power. Its purpose is to give you focus on love and gratitude... don't simply recite the problem. Use prayer to find peace and love. This is done by keeping a tight rein on your thoughts. Do not go where angels fear to tread! In other words, do not slush about, repeating the situation, dwelling on it, drowning in the problem. These things only give it energy, life and power. Pay attention to your thoughts. This is not denial; this is retraining your mind.

You are stronger than you realize. You have a fertile and powerful mind. Use it to create, allow, forgive, love, and peace. Be in gratitude. Let go of the war.
Miracles happen when you choose to give focus to these positives instead of focusing on negatives. They are still there, but you are refusing to empower and enlarge them. Use that powerful mind as God intended you to.

Now is always the time to do this.

Remember that the depth to which this is affecting you is the depth of love you are capable of. Tear off the labels of anger, hatred, and frustration. Recognize the raw power source that it is. Redirect it into healing, love, allowance, forgiveness and most of all into visualizing an amazing resolution.

You do not know how this will turn out... why wallow in thoughts of it's being bad. For all you know, the city could come in and build you a road! The universe and all the angels can figure this out and make an outcome much, much more amazing than you can even think of. Surrender it to them. You'll be in good hands.

Our problems really are universal. They say there are only seven plots in all the stories of the world. So I hope you can use this to put a happy ending on your story lines. We always have the choice of how we interpret and respond to every situation. Each of your choices creates of your reality. May you choose joy and love each time.

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