An email friend asked if I knew what was going on in the
world. She asked because all the emails I seem to send are jokes, pretty
pictures and spiritual messages.
So let me say, yes, indeed I know what’s going on in the
world… from my perspective.
On some level everyone does. Everyone has a perspective.
More and more people on this planet are awake. They are
awake to truths. They use their inquiring minds to ask hard questions and seek
answers. They go beyond the carefully orchestrated media offerings and anchor
Light, Love and Knowing in their homes and work places.
When we know truths, we are not required to expose them.
It’s not a matter of secrets, but a matter of discernment. You disclose
information in appropriate places and ways without creating fear. This column
is a good place to discuss some of these issues. Always it must be done in the
vibration of love.
Each will arrive at truth when the timing is right. As more
of the new Light comes onto this planet our vibrations increase and truth will
be recognized. It can’t be avoided.
This planet’s vibrations are increasing and with it truth,
joy, love, peace and light. Even these words themselves have the highest vibration
of all words.
All beings and all situations are spiritual. It is the
nature of existence. So there is no topic, situation or subject that is not
open to discussion in a spiritual way. That means looking at scary topics from
a higher perspective. ALL that exists is already spiritual. There is nothing
that is not! Spirituality is not isolated from life. They are most intimately entwined.
Therefore it is from a spiritual perspective that we look at
Team Dark’s agenda to control this planet. Team Dark is an elitist hierarchy
that has subverted media, medical, education, food, religions, government and
finance; globally. This group of elitists has been the source of poverty, hate,
war, starvation, mind control, lethal toxins both injected and sprayed and is
now portraying itself as the global savior by offering to take the reins of
unified, one world control.
The levels of deceit, truth twisting through controlled
media, money thievery and crimes against humanity committed to accomplish this
very, very, very, very, long premeditated plan are so insidious, it is easy to
dismiss them as conspiracy theories. Indeed, they are not. The moves made
through history remind me of a very intricate chess board where plays are
thought out far in advance.

The internet is full of information…. and disinformation.
You must be discerning. You are aware enough to be so, as long as you stay out
of fear. If a website makes you anxious or fearful, STOP reading it. Check inside with your gut, your intuition, and
you will see the fear triggers. If a teacher or website or media person says
‘only’, ‘should’ or ‘have to’; please be aware these comments dismiss free
will! There is always choice! (Ok, you may ‘have to’ eat to live, but then
again, there are Breatharians who swear you can live on air… personally I can’t
yet and don’t want to. I’m not giving up banana splits!)

simple thing that just doesn’t seem right to you.
Taking a single topic in small bites is easier to understand
it and then surround it with light. Yeah, sounds airy-fairy, but manipulation
of energy and light are real. We are powerful when we use our light to enlighten
The children of this planet are the future and they bring our
future in their DNA. They are a new breed genetically. They take in Light differently.
They are free of many old ideas like karma, racial hate, have tos and shoulds.
They are asking questions, seeking and providing new answers medically,
environmentally, socially and politically. They have intentions to make the
planet whole, healthy and peaceful. Look to them as leaders intent on global
and galactic unity, not control.
As light workers what can we do? We can make sure that if we
are upset with a neighbor or co-worker, we bring peaceful resolution to the
situation. War, conflict and hate can end with us, in each sticky situation.
When we find the way to peace, so will the planet.
You are the seed of a new vision. A whole world opens up
when you begin to seek.
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Create joy… it’s always an option.
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