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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Cough Relief, Sore Throat Relief, Sinus Clearing

This is a repeat from a May posting, but we need it now several are doing sore throats etc.

Instant Relief from Coughing... no meds!
My amazing sister, Patricia, is a Master in Jin Shin Jyutsu, a healing technique. It is defined by Wikipedia:

Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient Japanese technique for energy healing, using deep breathing and the placement of one's hands on specific areas of the body, called Safety Energy Locks (or SELs). It was rediscovered in Japan in the early 1900's by Master Jiro Murai. He taught the techniques to Mary Burmeister in the late 1940s, who brought it to the US.

Patricia knows all these easy hand placements for immediate healing. She was taught by Mary Burmeister. She's taught me a few of them which I use, but I always call her to get new ones. She can easily tell me by phone.

Like Magic
Recently I returned from Canada with a sinus thingy and a cough. Couldn't stop coughing. She did the Lung flow to clear my lungs; but I was still I was wracked with coughing. Then she did the sinus flow and within 2 seconds, no joke, 2 seconds, the 5 hour coughing bout stopped! Relief for my totally raw throat.

Since then, several people have told me they have gotten this ridiculous cough thingy (technical term!). So here's the easy method to stop. You can do this on yourself, your kids and anyone else. The cool thing is it's totally safe and there's no side effects like from meds.

Other Uses
Pat says it's also used for relief of:
Sinus congestion.
Diabetes (also just hold your thumb. I know, weird, but it works)
Excessive Talking
Stomach problems
Lips (dry cracked lips are a sign of stomach /sinus flow need)
bi polar disorders
and a bunch more things.

The Method
Touch fingers of Right hand to just below the left cheek bone. At same time, put fingers of Left hand just under the same side collarbone. Hold for one to twenty minutes, whatever is comfortable.

Then reverse and touch fingers of Left hand to just below the right cheek bone, and Right hand fingers to just below the right collarbone.

No pressure, just contact, completing a circuit. Sometimes you can feel the pulses.. when both are the same, voila! Open circuit, no longer stuck.

If you need to know more or want a session. Patricia is in Edmonds, WA, just north of Seattle. You can contact her at 360 259-5367 or email at gigglekwik@comcast.net.

Best wishes to move through sinus, allergy and coughing and alot more, much, much more easily. It's like magic! And it's free when you do it for yourself!

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