old ways just aren’t working any more. I had to do a small biography blurb for
an upcoming event and the old one was just…. Old! I couldn’t even relate to it
any more so I wrote a new one, more fitting to the current reality, more
reflective of the Unity of all consciousness.
know Love is always the answer.

every situation we can find something to love. I’m not talking here about
loving a car crash, or the boss from hell or the abusive parent; though love will
eventually be the result. I’m talking about loving what you can in such
situations. Love that you have a sense of feeling, even though there was pain.
You don’t have to love the pain. Love that you get a paycheck even though you
dislike your job. Love that they gave you life, even though your parents
frustrate you. The common elements in all these situations are imbalance and an
offering to you to apply love where it is clearly shown to be missing.
is always, always something we can find to love.
Maybe it’s not obvious, but it
is there if you wish to seek it. The seed of love that you offer is the first
step on your path back to balance. First find wholeness within yourself, then
wholeness with others will be revealed. Balance is achieved. Unity
consciousness begins.
Even if someone does not resonate
with or respond to your offer of love, respect their choice and free will.
Honoring the free will of others is one of the greatest laws of the universes.
Each being chooses for itself. As creator aspects of God, our highest awareness
is to honor all choices, even when those choices could harm us or others. Creator
does this for us. Likewise we can offer this to ourselves and others.
This is the basis of finding love
in some aspect of negatively oriented actions. Each of us is a creator. Choice
lies in how we respond to such actions. If we feel lessened or victimized by
someone else’s actions, then we have given up our Creator aspect and embraced
victimhood. If we honor another’s choices, applying compassion, then we have
honored the Creator within our own selves too.
Seek love in everything that
seems unlovable.
Such love grows and encompasses more and more, transforming
first you and then things and people around you. You are the source of that
love and all because you chose consciously to plant your seed of love in one
little thing. Your chance to seek love in a challenge and your resultant soul
growth because of it was the whole purpose of your involvement in the incident
in the first place.
When you offer love or light to a
situation or a person, you create a judgment free zone. For yourself it is
immediate by virtue of your choice of offering. For the other, it is a
vibration surrounding them that presents a choice to their free will to accept
the higher vibration or not.
gives us 20/20 vision and we can finally see the point of it all. Simply hold
awareness there is a point to it all and you have begun the journey to finding
in the midst of a crisis, it will become easier to
find the love within. Ultimately there will be no more crises and no need for
hindsight vision because through us love will be present in each moment. Our light
will shine forth on its own. Thus will we know we have ascended.
Poets have written, “Love conquers
all,” so, be it.