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Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Why is it easier to believe that a disaster will happen than not? My Indigo friend is struggling with an ancient question: Do you let your scientific mind (the left brained, thinking side) focus on how to survive in a potential, coming disaster? Or do you let your right brain (the feeling, allowing side) just go with the flow?

Your Focus Counts
We all know that what you focus on you will get more of. So if you focus on disaster and survival you will bring situations to you that require survival mode and will reflect disasters so you will validate your need for survival skills. Being an Indigo, his thoughts and consciousness are more attuned to the state of the universe. Indidgos came to this Earth to think bigger, to show us by example that the universe our thoughts affect is much bigger than our little personal worlds of job, home and family. Indigos remind me of a powerful scent that pervades a large area... like oranges for example. Walk into a lunchroom and you can smell the one orange that was just peeled. You don't smell the ham sandwich or the chocolate chip cookie. By their very nature, in this same way, Indigos affect more people.

The Answer to the Question
Fear is why it is easier to focus on negatives. Stop focusing on fear. Fear is a powerfull ally of those who want control: government and media are the biggest; but corporations, some friends maybe, those we are in relationship with and even ourselves. Fear is so easy to engender in someone. Start talking about disasters and voila! Fear appears instantly. Almost every ad on TV is fear based about getting sick with all the drug ads and about not being loved or included if you don't wear this perfume or brand of clothes.

The Challenge
The challenge is to remain calm in the middle of any storm, physical or mental. My Indigo friend asked "So what am I supposed to do, just hide my head in the sand like an ostrich?" Of course not. He loves to take things to extremes, an unfortunate mind game that makes him skip over the numerous potential solutions in between. I call it the Middle Path. He talks about moving somewhere 'safer' and having enough food stored, weapons for defense, etc. So I said "What if you do all that and while driving to your grocery store you are in a car accident and taken to hospital. THEN the feared 'disaster' happens and you are nowhere near your food or 'safety'. Besides, if you have a stash, it is simply a magnet for others to covet and attack. So now you are in the defense business.

What is the Worst that Can Happen?
You can die. Ok, next? We're all going to die. Big deal. Get over it. We've done it in many lifetimes already. Did you really think this was your first time here?
We are not our bodies. We are much, much more. We only put on this body for a short time, perhaps 100 yrs plus or minus. Our spiritual self that operates on multi-dimensions is totally aware of the investment of consciousness into this limited physical vessel called a body. When we die, the real self continues and does so with its full consciousness back in tact. There are way too many after death books nowdays to deny this. Ok, you can deny anything you want.

What is the Best that Can Happen?
You shift your consciousness and resonate with the highest frequency within you. You ascend within, as an internal process. You transcend your fears and feelings of limitation into a union with all consciousness on this palnet and in the galaxy and in the and all other universes. At-Onement and unconditional love. Heightened awareness. This is the crystal consciousness, the Christ-All consciousness. Personally I choose this option.

The Effect We Can Have
My Indigo friend keeps talking about the bad economy, an earthquake here, a bank failure there and every other thing to keep his very talented mind on the focus of 'need to prepare for disaster'. I suggest that if this is where your consciousness is, that you might want to change it. You can do nothing about the envisioned disaster. You have no control over a potential earth shift or any other grand scale disaster EXCEPT to not give it potential life by focusing on it! Your job is to choose what you prefer to have in your life and to focus on that!

So What can You Do?
You say "Yes" to it all. Yes to everything the universe and this planet and any level of awareness offers you. It is all creation. It is all illusion. It is all impermanent. It is all a part of God. It exists. So do you. Say yes to you, to your consciousness, to your choices, to your focus in each NOW moment. That is the real key. Only in the Now is there any power at all. The future doesn't exist, but your thoughts NOW help to create how YOUR future looks. Therein is the real power and in that there is nothing to fear. You are in total control. What you decide to focus on, to hold in your thoughts, will be the basis for your next now, your tomorrow and your future. So, monitor your thoughts and choose to actively, consciously focus on joy, love, health, abundance and the fullness of life. Let the rest go. This is enough on your plate to work with. It is the basis of the real 'future'. Each now is very powerful. Use it.

1 comment:

David Isaak said...

You write so well, with clarity and lucidness. Very though-provoking - once again!